PA Evaluation and Standardization Era (1973-1980)
The first national conference on new health practitioners was held in Wichita Falls, TX. The National Board of Medical Examiners administered its first national certifying examination to graduates of AMA accredited PA Programs, to nurse practitioners and to informally trained physician assistants. To remain certified PA have to complete 100 hours of continuing medical education (CME) within three years and take a re-certifying examination every six years. There was a rapid expansion of baccalaureate PA educational programs stimulated by Federal training contracts. These programs have to admit more women, minorities and place more graduates into primary care specialties to receive funding. Initial workforce studies indicated that PAs are well-accepted, productive and cost-efficient. The American Academy of Physician Assistants established a House of Delegates to develop policy and PA enabling legislation is enacted in most states.
Parent Collections (1)
Total Works (176)
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Summary of Meeting on Accreditation of Physician Assistant Programs, March 5, 1973March 5, 1973This material contains a cover letter and summary of a meeting held at the US Office of Education (USOE), Washington, DC on March 1, 1973 "to... |
American Academy of Physicians' Assistants NewsletterApril, 1974This newsletter includes minutes of the Academy's Board of Directors' meeting held March 27, 1974 at the Monteleone Hotel, New Orleans, LA, a... |
American College of Physicians Assistants - General Correspondence from SnellJanuary 12, 1973Correspondence from Roy Snell, secretary-treasurer of the American College of Physicians Assistants, explaining that it was not "our intent to be... |
NCCPA Newsletter, Vol. 1., Number 2, April 1976April, 1976The second newsletter April 1976, vol. 1, no. 2 published by the staff of the National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistants. The... |
Correspondence from Eugene Stead regarding evolution of the Physician's Assistant concept at Duke University - 1977May 17, 1977Letter from Dr. Milton Johnson dated April 6, 1977 stating that the Medical Association of Georgia is "currently interested in and investigating... |
AAPA Newsletter with Attached Student NewsletterAugust, 1973AAPA newsletter distributed in August 1973 with attached Student Newsletter dated August 14 1973 composed by Mr. Karn, Student Secretary. The AAPA... |
Good Health Begins With You: A National Public Service Announcement [by the AAPA, 1980]May, 1980This May 1980 pamphlet describes the AAPA's National Public Service Announcement "which was distributed to more than 200 television stations... |
New health professionals at Kaiser: a question of role ambiguityAugust, 1973Paper presented by Dr. Jane Cassels Record and Merwyn Greenlick, Health Services Research Center, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, to the American... |
The National Health Service Corps1975Pamphlet published in 1974 by the Public Health Service describing various positions available in the National Health Service Corp created by the... |
Call for Papers [for Association of Physician Assistant Programs and American Academy of Physicians Assistants joint meeting with Association of American Medical Colleges Meeting], November 7, 1973July 15, 1973Call for papers by Association of Physician Assistant Programs and American Academy of Physicians Assistants to be delivered at a meeting held in... |