Pamphlet produced in 1972 by the Department of Community Health Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine, to provide individuals information about how hospitals and physicians can use physician's associates to delivery health care services in...
In this article reprinted from the Annual Review of Medicine, Dr. Stead reviews a number of developments "in which nurses are assuming functions traditionally reserved in our culture for doctors, or where new programs are training various types of...
Letter from Thomas Godkins, President of American Academy of Physicians' Associates to general AAPA membership updating them on matters of interest. He mentions trying to develop affiliations with the American Hospital Association, Association of...
Proceedings of a meeting held at Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC in 1969 to introduce the PA concept to Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee of the Medical Staff, representatives of the Bylaws Subcommittee, the hospital's legal...
Paper presented on June 17, 1972 by John R. Ball, MD, JD, director of legal affairs, Duke University Physician's Associate Program, at the American Medical Association Symposium on Distribution of Health Manpower, San Francisco. The paper...
A paper written in 1972 by Dr. D. Robert Howard at Duke University describes the role that PAs can play in remote areas if the "dependent" role of the PA to the physician is based on supervision and not on location. He argues that this mutually...
A letter and attached agreement dated November 4, 1969 indicates that the Upjohn Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan will provide a grant to Duke University of $50,000 per year to be renewed on a yearly basis at the discretion of Upjohn and review of...
This article written in 1971 by J. Kadish of the AMA and JW Long of the NIH was intended to update physicians about the PA movement. The authors provide a history of use of non-physician personnel to deliver health care services (feldshers,...
These proceedings of the Third Annual Duke Conference on Physician's Assistants held November 12 & 13, 1970, in Durham, NC contain paper (keynote) presentations, workshop presentations and panel discussions. A list of participants is provided...
Program for the Third Annual Duke Conference on Physician's Assistants held at the Durham Hotel, Durham, NC on November 12 and 13, 1970. Workshops focused on: legal, education, research and evaluation, administration and application (utilization...
Announcement of the third annual Duke Conference on Physician's Assistants, held at the Durham Hotel, Durham, NC on November 12 and 13, 1970. Workshops focused upon: legal, education, research and evaluation, administration and application...
This monograph published in 1972 by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW) was written by Patrick B. Storey, MD as part of a series of studies on medicine and public health in the Soviet Union conducted in the summer of 1970. The...
A paper delivered by Warren Ball, Assistant Director, Dept. of Allied Medical Professions and Services, American Medical Association to the Association of Military Surgeons Annual Meeting, held in Washington, DC on November 17, 1969. The author...
News Report contained in a 1970 edition of Clinical Insights in Medicine listing "thirteen programs now operation - nine specialist and four generalist [programs]". A one line description with title used by graduate is provided for each program.
This application was submitted by Dr. D. Robert Howard to Dr. Roger Bulger on March 1, 1971 to obtain approval by the Duke Physician's Assistant Program to award the Bachelor of Health Sciences Degree. The application includes the objectives and...
The Washington Hospital Center proposed to expand its cardiovascular technician program into a physician's assistant program and sent a proposal for funding to the Metropolitan Washington Regional Medical Program. The proposal raised many...
A 1971 progress report written by Dr. Malcolm Todd, Chairman of the AMA's Council on Health Manpower to "report the progress that has been made by our Council on Health Manpower in working closely with medical specialty societies in the...
This report provides results on a task analysis conducted in 1971 to determine the frequency and independence of tasks performed by eleven graduates of the Duke University PA Program. The results of the analysis "implied that PAs working in...
This article appeared in the March 26, 1972 Sunday issue of the Boston Herald Traveler (Sunday herald traveler). The supplement is titled "Your Physician and You: Medical Care in Massachusetts" and was prepared by the Boston Herald Traveler and...