J. Lamar Callaway's hospital office and x-ray equipment

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Item Description

  • Callaway's office and patient examination room with x-ray equipment. Callaway (M.D., Duke, 1933) served as a member of the house staff of Duke Hospital and professor of dermatology or syphilology from 1933 to 1975. He was chair of the Dept. of Medicine, Division of Dermatology from 1939 to 1975. Dr. Robert J. Reeves (then chair of the Dept. of Radiology) and Duke Hospital administrator F. Vernon Altvater wanted all of the hospital's x-ray equipment to be centrally located, instead of spread between individuals' offices. Only Dr. Frederic Moir Hanes (then chair of the Dept. of Medicine) agreed that Callaway should have the x-ray equipment in his office. Hanes told Callaway to order the machine. Even after Altvater and Reed found out about the decision, Hanes' decision stood firm.
Date created
  • tch00003
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph & Negative Collection
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