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- In the 1960 Aesculapian, an artist depicted their interpretation of the "treacherous journey" through the Medical School. The artist, RLR (possibily fourth year student Richard L. Reece), inscribed his work:
"In the treacherous journey through the frontiers and wilderness of medical school, the student must cope with many wily, formidable, and awe inspiring creatures, some of which ae shown in their native habitat. Any resemblance to staff memebers is, of course, intentional and reflects the prejudices of the creator."
Page 4 of this 6 page journey includes (clockwise from lower left): Deryl Hart, Raymond Postlethwait, Barnes Woodhall, Lenox D. Baker, and Marcus Dillon.
The Archives would like to thank the members of the Class of 1960 for helping identify the individuals depicted in this journey.