Shirley Osterhout in the Duke Poison Control Center

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Item Description

  • Dr. Osterhout investigates household products in the Duke Poison Control Center. Dr. Shirley K. Osterhout came to Duke University in 1949 as an undergraduate. She obtained her MD from Duke in 1957 and continued in the Department of Pediatrics, working closely with Dr. Jay Arena on poison control issues in her residency. As Dr. Arena began to pursue poison control and safety issues on a more national scale, Dr. Osterhout undertook more and more responsibility in leading the Duke Poison Control Center serving as assistant director (1960-1970), clinical director (1970-1985), and medical director (1985-1995). She also served as assistant dean of medical education at Duke University Medical Center (1971-1987) and in numerous consultant capacities as a poison specialist outside of Duke University. She retired in 1995.
Date created
  • tch00038
Resource type
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph & Negative Collection
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