Lincoln Hospital plaque

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Item Description

  • Lincoln Hospital was founded in 1901 through the efforts of Dr. Aaron Moore, Dr. Stanford Warren, and John Merrick. They convinced Washington Duke that a hospital would be a more valuable investment than Duke's idea of building a monument on the Trinity campus to honor African Americans who had fought for the confederacy. Duke covered construction costs and provided an initial $5,000 endowment. The dedication plaque reads: “In Memoriam Lincoln Hospital 1901 With grateful appreciation and loving remembrance of the fidelity and faithfulness of the Negro slaves to the mothers and daughters of the Confederacy during the Civil War this institution was founded by one of the fathers and sons B.N. Duke W. Duke J.B. Duke Not one act of disloyalty was recorded against them. John Merrick, President A.M. Moore, M.D., Founder and Superintendent”
Date created
  • AR0077_028_pcs_lincoln001_001
Resource type
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph Collection
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