Medical Center Library & Archives Posters and Presentations

The professional staff members of the Medical Center Library & Archives present posters and papers at state, regional, and national conferences. We have posted content from those presentations in order to share our content with other national and international colleagues.

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Thinking Outside the “Stacks”; Finding New Opportunities to Evolve Medical Librarianship

Poster presented at 2007 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Reflections on Lost Space: A Chance to Reconnect to the Community

Poster presented at 2010 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Transformational Change in Health Sciences Libraries: Space, Collection, Roles

Poster presented at 2009 Transformational Change in Health Sciences Libraries

The Kindle: A Novel Way to Increase Access to Medical Information in Community Clinics

Poster presented at 2009 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Revolution at the LSD

Poster presented at 2007 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Evidence-based Practice: A Revolution in Library Project Management

Poster presented at 2007 Medical Library Association (MLA)