Medical Center Library & Archives Posters and Presentations

The professional staff members of the Medical Center Library & Archives present posters and papers at state, regional, and national conferences. We have posted content from those presentations in order to share our content with other national and international colleagues.

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Coping and Caring in the Time of COVID-19 Series: Moving Instruction Online in a Hurry

A dental liaison librarian and a physician assistant liaison librarian discuss moving two evidence-based courses online rapidly in the Spring of 2020.

Teaching Evidence-Based Practice Through a Free, Modularized Online Tutorial

Most health professions learners are required to learn skills related to evidence-based practice (EBP). The "Introduction to Evidence-Based...

Let’s Talk: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion at Your Workplace

Join your colleagues to discuss LGBTQIA+ inclusive language and practices in a safe learning space online. Together, we will explore the basics of...

Diversity, Equity, and Sara Ahmed

This presentation will draw from the scholarship of Sara Ahmed, feminist writer and independent scholar whose work critically addresses the ways in...

Hosting a Seminar Series to Engage the Biomedical Research Community

Biomedical researchers, particularly basic science researchers, make up a large portion of the population the Library serves, yet they are less...

Using bibliometric analytic techniques to measure the scholarly impact of a health professions education teaching academy

May 20, 2024
Poster presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, May 2024. Portland, OR, USA.

Creation of an Institutional Quality Assessment Tool Repository

May 7, 2021
Background: The Duke Medical Center Library & Archives comprehensive literature search service primarily focuses on expert searching and guidance...

iTunes U: Learn Anything, Anytime, Anywhere

iTunes U enables colleges and universities to manage, distribute, and control access to educational audio and video content and files for students...

Developing a Protocol for Tracking Publications by Grant Numbers

Poster presented at 2018 Medical Library Association (MLA)