Medical Center Library & Archives Posters and Presentations

The professional staff members of the Medical Center Library & Archives present posters and papers at state, regional, and national conferences. We have posted content from those presentations in order to share our content with other national and international colleagues.

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Revolution at the LSD

Poster presented at 2007 MLA/Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC)

Searching for Animal Research Methodology: The Potential Impact of Differences Between the PubMed Record and Full-text Methods Section

Locating descriptions of methodology is challenging since PubMed does not search full-text. The objectives of this pilot study were to determine...

Taking Continuing Education to a Land Down Under

Poster presented at 2012 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Capturing the Big D$: Dollars and Data

Poster presented at 2002 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Medical Student Publications: A Forgotten Piece of the Scholarly Communications Mosaic 

Poster presented at 2016 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Implementing the Infobutton for the Library

Poster presented at 2012 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Searching for Evidence: An Analysis of Medical Student Examination Data

Poster presented at 2016 Medical Library Association (MLA)

A Case Study in Team-Based Learning

Presented at 2012 Medical Library Association (MLA)