This is a description of the recertification examination administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistant on March 21, 1981 at test centers and at the 9th Annual PA Conference in San Diego, CA on April 15, 1981. Example...
This proposal indicates the need for a "principle information gathering agency of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, the Association of Physician Assistant Programs, and the National Commission for Certification of Physician Assistants"...
This announcement produced by the National Commission indicates that the National Certifying Examination for Primary Care Physician Assistants is be held October 14-17. An overview of the examination procedures is provided with instructions about...
Hirsch tells Edmund Casey and the NCCPA that "the Cabinet on Nursing Practice will reconsider their decision to withdraw from membership on the NCCPA Board of Directors".
This report announces the addition of two new members to the committee: Ruth Ballweg and Bonnie Schmidt. It also contains a proposal that calls for "a representative from the Association of Postgraduate PA Programs be appointed to APAP's Board of...
In 1979, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) provided NCCPA $21,481 for the experimental administration and analysis of an examination designed to measure the proficiency of PAs and SAs in surgery. The experimental examination was administered to...
Dr. Zintel, Director, Department of Special Educational Projects, American College of Surgeons, sent this memo to individuals "who have been invited to attend a September 21, 1981 meeting on SA certification." Background materials included Zintel's...
Announcement, pamphlet and application form created by the National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistants to register PAs to take optional Proficiency Examination in Surgery as part of the 1981 examination procedures. The materials...
This 5 March 1981 letter from Ric Gardiner and Steve Arnold, president and president-elect of the South Dakota Association of Physician Assistants, seeks clarification about instructions sent to various PAs in SD about the 1981 recertification...
This is an announcement of the recertification examination administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistant on March 21, 1981 at test centers and at the 9th Annual PA Conference in San Diego, CA on April 15, 1981. It...
A pamphlet created by the American Academy of Physician Assistants for the purposes of advertising the PA career as well as the Physician Assistant journal, published by the AAPA.
This first issue of Clinician Reviews released in February 1991 is autographed on the front cover by David Mittman, publisher, and Thomas Yackeren, Vice President, Marketing. In their editorial, Mittman (publisher), Hendrix (chairman of editorial...
Cover page from the first issue of Perspective on Physician Assistant Education : the official journal of the Association of Physician Assistant Programs, released as Winter 1998;9 (no. 1). The purpose of the journal is to advance PA education by...
Information taken from the first issue of Perspective on physician assistant education : the official journal of the Association of Physician Assistant Programs. Winter 1998; 9 (no. 1): 3. The purpose of the journal is to advance PA education by...
In his 27 February 1981 letter to William Stanhope, Dick Rensch reacts strongly to a recent memorandum sent by Mr. Stanhope to "all PAs" voicing his concerns about the NCCPA's "proposed mechanism for recertification of PA-0Cs." In the attached...
This early 1981 memorandum was sent by Clara Vanderbilt, AAPA Representative to the NCCPA, to eligible PAs urging them to register for the recertification examination. She attributes the low registration to date "mainly to the short, and apparently...
This 10 minute slide and sound presentation was produced in April 1981 by the AAPA Public Education Committee with support from the Learning Resources Center, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, University of Florida and Chalie/Papa Productions, Rockville...
The ANA agrees not to make a final decision on whether to end their liaison with the NCCPA, but wishes to take part in the NCCPA's next meeting to discuss the situation.
In this letter, Irma Lou Hirsch of the ANA politely informs the NCCPA that "the cabinet voted to discontinue appointment of a representative to the commission".
This report voices concern over PA terminology, and states the NCCPA's desire to avoid 'specialty' PA's, instead favoring identification of 'extended core' categories.
This document lists relevant legislation involving Medicare Part B coverage for physician assistant services, and also gives background information and a recommendation that PA's be covered by Medicare.
Response letter was sent from Jim Florio, Governor, New Jersey to David E. Mittman, publisher of Physician Assistant, on January 29, 1990 acknowledging New Jersey as the only state in which physician assistants may not practice. Governor Floria...
This resolution states that "the Association of Physician Assistant Programs (APAP) adopt a position that is in support of a diversity of academic preparation from certificate through advanced degree for entry into the PA profession".
This May 15, 1967 issue of Medical Economics contains an editorial followed by three articles on the topic of using nondoctors to do doctors work. The editorial written, by Senior Editor Paul W. Kellam, begins "They're thinking big in Washington right...
In this letter, Ferrell recalls how "someone at the Conference at the Statler Hilton last October asked about a 'no strike clause' ". He opines that the Ethics Committee, of which he is the chair, should add a section to the code of ethics indicating...
These summary notes compiled by Thomas R. Godkins and William D. Stanhope, president and secretary of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates, respectively, describe a meeting held with Mr. Gregroy Gilreath, president of the American College of...
This letter was written by Mr. Burt Lanpher, Executive Director of the National Association of Physician's Assistants (NAPA), to Mr. Robert G. Smith, Executive Secretary of the Wyoming State Medical Society, on September 7, 1972 to express the NAPA's...
The philosophy, oath, articles of association, and by-laws of the American College of Physician's Assistants. Articles include guidelines and requirements of election, terms of office, committees, chapter responsibilities, meetings, and amendments.
This memorandum explains the benefits of a merger between NAPA and the AAPA. It also goes into detail about other PA organizations (American Association of Physicians' Assistants, Midwest Association of Physicians' Assistants, American College of...
At this meeting between the AMA and the AAPA at the American Medical Association building in Chicago, Godkins and Stanhope introduce the Academy to the AMA in hopes that it will cultivate future meetings between the two organizations that would...
Summary of a phone conversation between Gregory Gilreath of the American College of Physician's Assistants and Thomas Godkins of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates on July 18, 1972. The summary indicates that Gilreath "called to suggest...
This letter from the Executive Secretary of the Wyoming State Medical Society, Robert G. Smith, is dated August 28, 1972 and is in response to Robert B. Weinheimer's letter about possible physician assistant jobs in Wyoming. Mr. Smith notes that...
Information letter regarding the national paramedical placement service available from Medex. According to the letter, the applicants to this system "have a wide range of military training and experience across a broad spectrum of paramedical skills,...
This request for board of advisors membership was sent out to Don E. Detmer, A. William Horsley, Malcolm Peterson, Thomas E. Piemme, and Richard G. Rosen
An update on academy activities, this memo notifies the academy of upcoming meetings, and mentions the AAPA's intent to seek affiliation with groups representing "organized medicine".
Richard Rosen, as a new member of the AAPA's board of advisors, casts his vote on the acceptance of Medex personnel into the American Academy of Physicians Assistants.
Program from the October 28-29 PA conference at the Statler Hilton Inn in Durham, NC. Speakers include D. Robert Howard, E. Harvey Estes, Henry Weitz, Louis R. Pondy, Richard O. Cannon, Bill Stanhope, and Charles L. Hudson.
This letter was written by Thomas Godkins, president of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates (AAPA), on September 25, 1972 to Burt E. Lanpher of the National Association of Physicians' Assistants (NAPA). The letter supports the concerns of...
Attached to this letter is a proposal which outlines the requirements for the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree that would be awarded to candidates participating in the PA program.
This certificate dated 2 September 1970 was issued to Charles C. Lewis in recognition of his becoming a charter member of the "Stead Society" at Duke University Medical Center. The PA student organization was founded in 1972. Gary G. Phelps was the...
Godkins communicates his belief to Snell that the American College of Physicians' Assistants has intentionally tried to deceive its members, saying "You must realize, however, that your letter has put the merger in a precarious position".