Need to Register for 1981 Recertification Examination - Correspondence: Vanderbilt to PAs Eligible for Recertification

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  • This early 1981 memorandum was sent by Clara Vanderbilt, AAPA Representative to the NCCPA, to eligible PAs urging them to register for the recertification examination. She attributes the low registration to date "mainly to the short, and apparently sudden, notice of the examination, and to the fee ($165.00). She reminds PAs that "this is one of the most critical times for our profession. If we can weather the next few years of health manpower uncertainly, we will be established and secure; a major setback at this time can still shatter what we have worked so hard to accomplish." She reminds PAs that "We have used the promise of recertification in our quest for legitimacy including legislation. To refuse to participate in the recertification process when it's time to put-up or shut-up is, I believe, immoral. For that reason, I beg you to return your application today and if you disagree with the process become active to change the process."
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Archival collection
  • Clara Vanderbilt papers
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