School of Medicine students performing the 1940 student-faculty show, from OPC to CPC. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke. From L-R: Bill Sellers, Kenneth Brown, Stephen...
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show or a mock clinic. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
School of Medicine students performing the student-faculty show. The annual show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
1980 School of Medicine faculty. Row 1 (L-R): David Durack, Herbert Sieker, James Clapp, James Wyngaarden, Harvey Cohen, J. Lamar Caloway, Andrew Huang, Len Lastinger, Yihong Kong. Row 2 (L-R): Wednell Rosse, Allen Roses, Edwin Cox, Sheldon Pinnell,...
Dr. W. David Watkins and J. Horst Meyer dance in the 1986 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
A performance of the 1990 student-faculty show Back to the Suture. Pat Kenan, MD '59, in front. The annual student-faculty show is entirely student-run and offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke.
52nd Graduating Class of the Practical Nursing Program; L to R, 1st row: Mary Blue, Ora Riley, Mary Watkins, Christine Williams, Laura Thomas; 2nd row: Sadie Boden, Ella Crawford, Geraldine Roghelia, Josephine Horne, Lynn Johnson, Ruby Griffis; 3rd...
Aerial view of the 65th General Hospital buildings at Redgrave Park, England. The idea for a Duke hospital army unit was born in October 1940, the brainchild of Wilburt C. Davison, then dean of the Duke University School of Medicine. The Army reserve...
Front of the 65th General Hospital, showing the receiving and disposition hut with shock wards and operating rooms to the left. The idea for a Duke Hospital army unit was born in October 1940, the brainchild of Wilburt C. Davison, then dean of the Duke...
65th General Hospital operation. (L-R) 2nd Lt. Mary L. Lineberger, 2nd Sgt. Ersul C. Russell, Maj. William Dr. Farmer, 1st Lt. Mona L. Currie. The idea for a Duke hospital army unit was born in October 1940, the brainchild of Wilburt C. Davison, then...
A discussion paper distributed by Eugene A. Stead, Jr. to the Medical School Advisory Council (MedSAC) at Duke University on April 10, 1972 providing background information about the physician's assistant program and requesting that the Medical School...
This article appearing in the October 1972 issue of The National Board Examiner provides an overview of actions and steps taken by the National Board of Medical Examiners to produce a "national program to certify assistants to the primary care...
These are the proceedings of a two-day conference [Second Duke Conference] held on October 26, 1969. Held at the Hilton Inn in Durham, the conference focused upon the legal status of physician's assistants. At the outset of the conference, five...
Photograph of a staff member coming out of a hyperbaric unit. He is wearing surgical attire and a mask. Another man is standing behind him. Several cans lined with plastic are also shown.
AAPA newsletter distributed in August 1973 with attached Student Newsletter dated August 14 1973 composed by Mr. Karn, Student Secretary. The AAPA newsletter mentions registering for upcoming NBME examination and room reservations for annual meeting to...
Letter sent from Mr. Godkins, president of the American Academy of Physician's Assistants, to Mr. Gilreath, president of the American College of Physician Assistants dated February 26, 1973 with "list of conditions regarding the proposed merger" noting...
Copy of letter sent by William Ruhe acknowledging Dr. Sadler's letter suggesting "the expansion of the Joint Review Committee (JRC) and modifications in the accreditation process." The suggestion will be considered by the JRC at an upcoming meeting on...