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- Letter sent from Mr. Godkins, president of the American Academy of Physician's Assistants, to Mr. Gilreath, president of the American College of Physician Assistants dated February 26, 1973 with "list of conditions regarding the proposed merger" noting that the merger proposal was approved by 2/3 majority of the Academy general membership at recent meeting held in New York. Board seats would be divided, held to a minimum in number and be "allocated utilizing a capitation formula based upon the number of graduate members of each organization. No attempts would be undertaken to "develop a grandiose regional scheme" as initially proposed. Mr. Gilreath and Mr. Sneel respond to Mr. Godkin's letter saying "We wonder why the ethics of negotiation have been so severely breached? We can only be confused by your executive decision to make unilateral changes in the tentative, basic agreements worked out in Cincinnati in November 1972 without even so much as a notice to us of your intent." The letter goes on to point out discrepancies in philosophies and how the Academy should be organized, including regional chapters to assure greater "democracy" in decision making.