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- These are the proceedings of a two-day conference [Second Duke Conference] held on October 26, 1969. Held at the Hilton Inn in Durham, the conference focused upon the legal status of physician's assistants. At the outset of the conference, five alternative approaches were presented for consideration. It was decided to develop first stage of regulation by drafting a "general statute authorizing supervised delegations and the vesting of responsibility for determining proper delegates in the State Board of Medical Examiners." A list of attendees is provided. Included in the packet of accompanying information is (1) a working draft of "Essentials for an Acceptable Program for Training Physician's Assistants", (2) a paper titled "The Utilization of Physician's Assistants in Hospitals: Summary and Proceedings", (3) Professional Liability Insurance for the University Trained Physician's Assistant: Summary", and (4) Results of Correspondence on Professional Liability Coverage for the University-Trained Physician's Assistant".