This material contains a cover letter and summary of a meeting held at the US Office of Education (USOE), Washington, DC on March 1, 1973 "to explore the implications of existing AMA accreditation procedures regarding PA programs." Representatives...
This newsletter includes minutes of the Academy's Board of Directors' meeting held March 27, 1974 at the Monteleone Hotel, New Orleans, LA, a summary of the Second Annual Conference with list of officers and committee chairs, and a list of...
Correspondence from Roy Snell, secretary-treasurer of the American College of Physicians Assistants, explaining that it was not "our intent to be interpreted as stating or implying that the American College of Physicians Assistants had been...
The second newsletter April 1976, vol. 1, no. 2 published by the staff of the National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistants. The newsletter contains an open letter from the NCCPA Executive Director, David Glazer and information...
Letter from Dr. Milton Johnson dated April 6, 1977 stating that the Medical Association of Georgia is "currently interested in and investigating the status of Physicians Assistants in our state." Dr. Milton indicates that his committee wants to...
AAPA newsletter distributed in August 1973 with attached Student Newsletter dated August 14 1973 composed by Mr. Karn, Student Secretary. The AAPA newsletter mentions registering for upcoming NBME examination and room reservations for annual...
This May 1980 pamphlet describes the AAPA's National Public Service Announcement "which was distributed to more than 200 television stations nationwide and viewed by more than 100 million Americans last year." A grant from Stuart Pharmaceuticals...
Paper presented by Dr. Jane Cassels Record and Merwyn Greenlick, Health Services Research Center, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, to the American Sociological Association meeting in New York, NY in August 1973. The paper is one of the early attempts...
Pamphlet published in 1974 by the Public Health Service describing various positions available in the National Health Service Corp created by the Emergency Health Personnel Act of 1970 to place physicians and other health professionals into areas...
Call for papers by Association of Physician Assistant Programs and American Academy of Physicians Assistants to be delivered at a meeting held in conjunction with the Association of American Medical Colleges meeting in Washington, DC on November...