Lady Grace R. Osler to Wilburt C. Davison


The Open Arms
Nov 10th 1916
Dear Mr. Jonah
I really miss you very much and your flittings in & out. I have a horrible feeling that before any more nice men come to work in medicine & become our friends - I shall be too old to enjoy them. However they can "push" me out if the chair isn't worn out. It is in constant use now with wounded. I haven't seen Mr. Holman but dare say he will soon begin to run in too. Sir Williams had your letter of October 13th and I was so glad to hear you & Mr. Penfield have made a happy start at the Hopkins. I am amused[?] at your casual

mention of Miss Scudder, perhaps you have become too English for her. Sir William is careening madly about - as usual - and I am rather cross with him for he will not rest at all. At present he is relieved of the Canadian Hospitals as he has resigned as consultant to them all. They have had an awful rumpus, and all the decent men have resigned or their resignations are pending. Sam Hughes has been sat upon in Ottawa by having an overseas Minister of Militia here - The whole CAMC will be reorganized. Incidentally [text illegible] I have never known Sir William so miserable over anything [text illegible]

Perhaps I should not have mentioned this but I know you are safe and discreet & of course interested. Beachborough does not [ ] the CAMC. Revere went to France over three weeks ago. He is with an ammunition column at present on the Somme - and simply appalled by the horror & desolation. The weather over there is awful and nearly as bad here at present. Mrs. Wright & Marion are at Folkestone - the youngest Wright son has come over & is training there - Phoebe & Jean are at Beachborough. Captian Harry Wright is at Ramsgate & his wife & baby near him - Charlie Max Muller lunches with us on Sundays and chiefs a small school [text illegible]. The

others are in town the house here being modernized. Dr. Mosse comes in now & again. He and Revere had two days fishing during Revere's final leave. The Hospital is full - 2000 beds now in the various places. Plenty of cadets and flying men training. Campbell Gwyn is back here with a bad ankle. The administration let me have[?] him out of Somerville. I hope the Futchers have asked you there - do make friends with their boys. My love to Mr. Penfield & with all good wishes & remembrances to Miss S[cudder]
Grace R. Osler
Belgians still troublesome. Some medical false teeth.

W. C. Davison Esq
923 North Broadway
Baltimore Md U.S.A

Item Description

  • November 10, 1916 letter from Lady Grace Olser to Wilburt Davison expressing her pleasure to hear that he had a happy start at Hopkins and providing updates on her family's war efforts.
Date created
  • osler27-28-29-30-31-32
Resource type
Archival collection
  • Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1972 (MC.0010)
In Collection:

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