D. Gordon Sharp and electron microscope

Público Deposited

Item Description

  • D. Gordon Sharp (M.A. Duke, 1937 and Ph.D., Duke, 1939) operates the electron camera in a laboratory. "This $18,000 electron microscope which takes pictures of tiny viruses and magnifies them as much as 100,000 times their actual size, has just been installed in the Duke University Medical School's virus research laboratories. Dr. G. [sic] Gordon Sharp, Duke biophysicist, operates the electron camera. The new machine replaces the one used at Duke for 10 years. One of the first ever built, the old camera produced over 7,000 pictures, almost all of them viruses. With it, the Duke research team made the first photographs of the influenza virus and Newcastle's Disease, rabbit papilloma, equine encephalitis and most recently, fowl leukosis viruses. The new camera, Dr. Sharp says, is more dependable in operation, containing new engineering improvements and more convenient viewing equipment. The electron microscope is the key tool in Duke's visual research program." -- Bureau of Public Information, Duke University, Dec. 29, 1950. From 1936 to 1956, D. Gordon Sharp was an x-ray physicist, fellow in physics and surgery, and professor of biophysics.
Date created
  • tch00018
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph & Negative Collection
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