Wilburt C. Davison to Sir William Osler


Dear Sir Wm,
I certainly wan to thank you for your cards to the Montreal doctors for I had a very interesting time. Dr. von Eberts and Dr. Abbott were away but the house physician at the Montreal General and the house surgeon at the Royal Victoria did everything that probably could be done. and I saw several good typhoid cases at the Montreal General as was very interested in their treatment. I also met the pathologist who makes the typhoid vaccine for the troops from Montreal. He has perpetuated a very miserable bad the worst joke against/on the clinical [ ? ] that the for several months ago in working up his typhoid vaccine he added a small percentage of both paratyphoids, for good measure and made no tale of it. I wonder how many Montreal solder have been diagnosed as mixed paratyphoids infectious because they showed protein [?] which was really only due to their generous inoculation.
When I reached home I found that there was New York had developed an anterior poliomyelitis

epidemic so I wrote to Dr. D. W. A. Park the director of the Bureau of Laboratories of the New York Department of Health asking him whether he would take me in for the experience. I was given the choice of ca I was given/allowed to asset Dr. H. L. Abramton with the animal experiments and the post mortems [sic] and as Dr. H. L. Abramton he is everyone has more than enough work to do there is a great amount of work to be done I am gathering I do most of the animal inoculations and many of the autopsies myself. These laboratories are wonderfully equipped and all of the staff are very keen so I am having a wonderful experience and plan to remain here until Johns Hopkins opens in the last week of Sept. I get out on Long Island occasionally two trips a week & see Atala Scudder and my Family.
Thanking Lady Osler and yourself for your many kindnesses
Sincerely yours
Off[?] and was known as the triple vaccine.
However he told me that since Sir Wm Listerman [?] had started that the number of cases of paratyphoid was negligible he had restrained [?] not [?] added any stopped adding paratyphoids to his so called typhoid vaccine. I told him that Sir Wm figures applied only to France and as [?] did not include the cases from the Mediterranean and that the reg. stock army vaccine contained para.

[cards of introduction]
Dr. Maude Abbott
Dr. von Eberts
2 unidentified


Item Description

  • 1916 letter from Wilburt Davison to Sir William Osler detailing a trip to Montreal and New York.
Date created
  • osler7-8-11a-b-c-d-12c
Resource type
Archival collection
  • Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1972 (MC.0010)
属于 Collection:

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