R. Wayne Rundles, first from the right, studying in the original School of Medicine Library

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Item Description

  • R. Wayne Rundles graduated from Duke University (M.D., 1940). He was an associate professor of medicine at Duke University from 1945 until the mid-1980s and served as director of the hematology and chemotherapy service at the Duke University School of Medicine. He went on to become chief of hematology/oncology at Duke University Hospital. As a young member of the Duke University faculty, Rundles joined with James B. Wyngaarden and Hal Silberman to pioneer the development of Allopurinol for the treatment of gout. Rundles served as the director at large of the American Cancer Society (1971-1976) and as its president (1977-?). He also acted as a consultant to the Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies.
Date created
  • per00085
Resource type
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph & Negative Collection
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