Sir William Osler to Wilburt C. Davison


1916 Nov 2nd
Dear Davison
So glad to hear that you & Penfield are safely at work & like your plans. We jog[?] on as usual. Dr. Hertz of Guys is here now in charge of the nerve cases & a great help. I have taken him to Taplow several times.

We are much interested in the local tetanus of which I have now seen 10 cases. He is working at it. Typhoid has gone - hearts & nerves the chief interest. Revere writes very cheerly from the Somme - mud & mules appear to be his chief interest. Dreyer is back. So glad you had that polimyelitis work. Get at the standardizing problem

as it is most important. I felt sure you would like the school in which there is a good spirit. Love to all old friends & greetings to the light of your life.
Yours ever
Wm Osler

Item Description

  • November 2, 1916 letter from Sir William Osler to Wilburt Davison with general updates
Date created
  • osler23a-b-24
Resource type
Archival collection
  • Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1972 (MC.0010)
In Collection:

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