The Upjohn Company, grant [Duke University PA Program]

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Item Description

  • A letter and attached agreement dated November 4, 1969 indicates that the Upjohn Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan will provide a grant to Duke University of $50,000 per year to be renewed on a yearly basis at the discretion of Upjohn and review of the Duke PA Program. In the letter, Bruce O. Hutchinson, Marketing, Planning and Promotion, mentions that a new vice president has been hired and wanted to await announcing the grant until he could be better informed of the PA concept. "In the meantime, go ahead and spend the money, just don't talk about it." An interesting section of the agreement is devoted to "Program Promotion." Upjohn will promote the concept of increased use and training of "paramedical personnel" through appropriate media such as press releases, films, direct mail, institutional ads, etc. A copy of the check is attached as well as a letter dated November 12, 1969 from William Smith, Jr. to Dr. William Anlyan confirming the award and asking how to proceed with the contract. Thank you letters from Drs. Anylan and Woodhall are also included in the accompanying documents.
Date created
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • William G. Anlyan Papers
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