Proposed constitution for the merger of the College and Academy - Correspondence: Snell to Godkins and Moson

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  • On January 27, 1973, Roy W. Snell, secretary of the American College of Physicians Assistants, sent a letter to Thomas R. Godkins and Paul Moson of the American Academy of Physicians' Associates with suggested organization structure for a national executive committee and constitution for merger of the two organizations. This is a follow up to a meeting held in Cincinnati. Snell requests that the Academy respond accordingly by sending a proposed bylaws for the merged organizations as promised at the first meeting. He suggest holding a second negotiation meeting in Chicago in February or March with an invitation to the American Medical Association to send a mediator to attend the negotiations. The proposed constitution suggests that the merged name of the organization be the American Society of Physician Assistants. It also suggest that a national convention be held "every July beginning in July, 1974" with 2 delegates from each chapter having one vote each to bring resolutions to the national convention. The Society's headquarters are to be located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Archival collection
  • Clara Vanderbilt papers
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