Clinician Reviews Vol. 1, Number 1, February 1991

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  • This first issue of Clinician Reviews released in February 1991 is autographed on the front cover by David Mittman, publisher, and Thomas Yackeren, Vice President, Marketing. In their editorial, Mittman (publisher), Hendrix (chairman of editorial board) and Donato (editor), indicate that Clinical Reviews is a "new publication for physician assistants and nurse practitioners. The journal, which is a joint venture of Clinicians Publishing Group, Clifton, NJ and Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, is designed to help keep nonphysician providers abreast of the latest advance in medicine, as reported in the research literature and at major medical meetings. Additional features will include review articles, AIDs updates, discussions of ethics, the optimal use of the laboratory, conference calendars, and pharmacotherapeutic updates."
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  • David Mittman papers
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