Summary Minutes [for] National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistants, August 1974

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  • Nick Griffin, Secretary of the AMA Council on Health Manpower sent a memorandum dated August 14, 1974 to "participants August 8 meeting" containing approved minutes of the August 8, 1974 meeting of the National Commission on Certification of Physician's Assistants. The meeting took place in Chicago, IL and Dr. Thomas C. Piemme was elected chairman along with other officers. A contract for funds had been obtained from the Bureau of Health Resources Development and a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Various administrative and by-law changes were discussed and approved. A list of members and their terms is provided and an application from the American Association of Physician's Associates for membership on the commission was considered. Also, a search was begun for an Executive Director of the Commission. Finally, preparations for the December 11, 1974 NBME certifying examination were reviewed.
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Archival collection
  • Thomas D. Kinney Papers
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