Dedication of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke Hospital

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  • Reprint of speeches given during the dedicatory exercises of the Duke University School of Medicine and Hospital orignally printed in the Southern Medical Journal (Vol XXIV, No. 12). Speeches include: " Presentation of Buildings," by George Garland Allen, president of the Trustees of the Duke Endowment and chairman of the Building Committee; "Acceptance of the Buildings on Behalf of the Trustees," by Colonel John Fletcher Bruton, presudent of the Board of Trustees; "Greetings from the Medical Profession of North Carolina," by Thurman Delna Kitchin, president of Wake Forest College; "The Transformation in Medicine," by David Linn Edsall, dean of the Harvard Medical School; "Hospitalization," by Watson S. Rankin, director of hospital and orphan sections of the Duke Endowment; "Experimentation in Medical Education," by Lewis H. Weed, director of the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University; and "Changing Viewpoints in Medical Education," by William H. Welch, professor of the History of Medicine at the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University.
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