Joint Hospitality Suite of the American College of Physicians Assistants and the American Academy of Physician's Associates - Correspondence: Snell to Colleagues

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  • This January 12, 1973 letter was written by Roy W. Snell, P.A., Secretary-Treasurer, of the American College of Physician Assistants to "colleagues" at the American Academy of Physician Associates. He states that it was not the College's intent to pass itself off as the "sole representative of physician's assistants" to the American Medical Association. Snell mentions that a jointly sponsored hospitality suite by the College and Academy was held at the American Medical Association's (AMA) Clinical Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio and list some of those in attendance including: Lewis A. Miller, Editorial Director of Patient Care Magazine: Patrick Corcoran, M.D., AMA Council on Health Manpower; Malcolm C. Todd, MD, Chairman, AMA Council on Health Manpower and a number of state delegates from Louisiana, Florida and Oregon. He concludes by saying that "those who attended left with a better understanding of what the College and the Academy conceive the physician's assistant to be professionally and how he envisions himself fitting into the health care delivery team."
Date created
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Clara Vanderbilt papers
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