Development of Educational Standards by the American Medical Association - Correspondence: Stead with AMA Leadership


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Item Description

  • Series of correspondence began by Dr. Walter Bornemeier, President of the AMA, on November 17, 1970 thanking Dr. Stead for opportunity to attend Duke's Third National Conference on PAs and noting Dr. Stead's discontent with AMA's slow progress in developing educational standards for PA educational programs. Dr. Bornemeier suggest that the basis of the program (standards) be written at Duke and that he would pass this along to the AMA Council on Medical Education. Dr. Stead takes Dr. Bornemeier at his word and he, Dr. Estes and Dr. Howard prepare and submit a draft proposal to the Council. Dr. Ruhe responds to the proposal in a 4-page letter addressed to Dr. Stead on December 21, 1970. He responds that "the implication that the Council has been dragging its feet is disturbing and unwarranted. To put it bluntly, this is simply not true" and goes into fine detail how these matters are handled in the AMA structure. The letter strikes a nerve with Dr. Stead who responds in January 7, 1971 with a letter to Dr. Ruhe saying "If the AMA were doing anything, you could say it in less than three pages of single-spaced type. He ends the letter saying " I hope you can, in the near future, write me a shorter letter indicating some progress. The letter from and to Dr. Ruhe is copied to Dr. Bornemeier with a brief note saying "There is nothing in this communication which makes me optimistic."
Date created
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Archival collection
  • Eugene A. Stead Papers
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