Elizabeth Bullitt Oral History Interview, 2005

Item Description

  • Dr. Elizabeth Bullitt discusses her background; her fascination with the brain and neurosurgery; residency at University of Colorado; internal problems in program at University of Colorado; coming to Duke under Dr. Robert Wilkins; military feel of Duke program; rules in Duke program; Dr. Guy Odom; Dr. David Sabiston; hierarchy in Department of Surgery; male presence in neurosurgery, particularly at the time; husband as present chief of Neurosurgery at Duke; being the first female neurosurgeon on staff at both Mayfield Neurological Institute and University of North Carolina; feeling need to survive as opposed to feeling like a pioneer at Duke; treatment as a female neurosurgeon at Duke; her sensitivity to her treatment and dedication to her field; evaluation of her treatment versus current regulations against such treatment; facilities for female neurosurgeons; being overlooked at Duke because female; feeling uncomfortable returning to Duke; uniforms in Duke Department of Surgery; Dr. Robert Wilkins; others in the department who influenced her, including Dr. Blaine Nashold; meeting husband [Dr. Allan Friedman] at this time; time commitment as resident at that time versus the current time commitment; technology at Duke at the time; Carol Ludolph; conservative nature of Duke Surgery Department in terms of operating, flexibility; treatment received from patients; history of career at University of North Carolina; balancing home life and work life; current work with brain imaging at University of North Carolina. The transcription of this interview was made possible by a grant from the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation.
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  • Elizabeth Bullitt Oral History Interview
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