Master of Biomedical Sciences Scholar’s Day Projects

In the culmination of their Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (EBCP) course, Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS) students showcase their research at the annual Scholar’s Day event. Each student creates a compelling capstone scientific research poster, presenting their findings to an engaged audience comprising peers, esteemed faculty, and community members.

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Reviewing strategies to increase HPV vaccination rates in rural populations

April 16, 2024
Systematic, evidence-based recommendations for HPV vaccination can greatly improve vaccination rates.

Non-Pharmacologic Treatment Efficacy in Preventing or Resolving Persistent Post-concussion Symptoms in Adults and Athletes: An Abbreviated Literature Review

April 16, 2024
Abbreviated literature review evaluating the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatment methods in patient recovery from persistent post-concussion...

Neurocognitive Assessments for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection: A Systematic Review

April 16, 2024
This poster presents some of the common neurocognitive tests done when evaluating patients who are being evaluated for potential Alzheimer’s...

A Systematic Review of Neural Tube Defects in Pediatric Populations in Nigeria

April 16, 2024
Comprehensive overview of NTDs in pediatric populations in Nigeria through assessment of the reported demographics, diagnoses, treatments, and...

The relationship between sleep and the transition from acute to chronic low back pain

April 16, 2024
Low back pain (LBP) is a prevalent musculoskeletal condition, but little is known about the characteristics of individuals transitioning from acute...

Xenon MRI is Predictive of Severe Outcomes in Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonia

Chart reviews of 36 NSIP patients were conducted to determine if there is a significant difference in Xe MRI membrane high percent (MHP) signal...

Exploring the Potential Combined Impact of Ultrasound Therapy and Antioxidant Supplementation on Optimizing Muscle Injury Treatment

April 16, 2024
This poster presents a summary of my literature review, which investigates the potentially synergistic effects of ultrasound therapy with...

Analyzing The Association Between Blood Culture Algorithm Implementation and Clinical Outcomes in the ICU

April 16, 2024
This poster analyzes preliminary data from a Duke University Health System quality improvement intervention focused on improving blood culture...

Mid-Term Outcome of Endoscopic Proximal Hamstring Repairs

April 16, 2024
A retrospective mid term study that was a continuation of a short term study that looks at the efficacy of proximal endoscopic hamstring repair to...

Management and Outcomes of Hydrocephalus Among Pediatric Patients in Nigeria: A Systematic Review

April 16, 2024
This project is a systematic review of Nigerian neurosurgical literature published between 1962-2023 that analyzes the prevalence, management, and...