Selected Historical Publications

As part of the 75th Anniversary celebration of the opening of the Duke School of Medicine and the Duke Hospital, the Medical Center Archives digitized select publications that help document the early years of Duke Medicine.

作品在此收藏集 (30)

List of items in this collection

Presentation of Buildings

Text of a speech given at the presentation of the buildings for the Duke Medical School and Hospital given by George Garland Allen, President of...

Admissions Requirements

Draft of the original admissions requirements for Duke's School of Medicine and correspondence regarding specific requirements and verbiage of the...

Hospital Rates

1932, 1933
Report and letters regarding rate setting during the Great Depression.

Wilburt C. Davison on Nursing Education

Speech given to the North Carolina Nurses Association by Dr. Wilburt C. Davison in support of nursing education.

Bulletin of the Duke University School of Medicine

First bulletin of the Duke University School of Medicine.

Commencement Program

Commencement program from the second graduating class of the Duke University School of Medicine.

Duke Hospital Advertisement

Advertisement describing fees and services provided by Duke Hospital.

Hospital Sketch

Original floor plan sketches of Duke Hospital.

Commencement Program

Commencement program from the first graduating class of the Duke University School of Medicine.

Duke Nurses Handbook

Handbook given to nursing students to serve as a guide to new students and a source of useful information to all.