Library Artifact Collection

The Medical Center Library maintains a small collection of medical instruments and other artifacts related to medicine and health care. The collection has items of historical significance to Duke as well. A neurosurgical stereotactic equipment exhibit is on level 3 and was donated by Dr. Blaine Nashold. In addition, there are two large collections of apothecary jars. The Caldwell collection includes porcelain and hand-blown glass jars from the 19th century collected while the Caldwells were in Ecuador. The Library also has on loan from the Mary D. B. T. Semans Foundation a beautiful collection of Italian and Hispano-Moresque albarelli (apothecary jars) and versatoi (ewers or pitchers) from the 15th to 18th century.

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List of items in this collection

MR/CT Compatible arc-phantom target system

MR/CT Compatible arc-phantom target system. Burlington, MA: Radionics. 1987. Built by Eric R. Cosman, PhD, Theodore S. Roberts, MD & Trent H....

Tandberg tape recorder. Sweden.

Tandberg tape recorder. Sweden. 1970. This instrument was used to record brain wave activity on tape.

Intracranial electrodes

10 intracranial electrodes with equipment for implanting. From the facilities of Henry A Schryver, 110 W. Packard, Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

The Spiegel-Wycis Medal

The Spiegel-Wycis Medal; bestowed upon Blaine S. Nashold, Jr. by the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgey at Ixtapa, Mexico,...