The Bookplate Collection

The History of Medicine Collections has over 450 medically related bookplates. Although ex libris collections have never attained the popularity and status of stamp collections and the focus on medicine further limits the number of enthusiasts, there exists a small body of literature and bibliography on the subject. Bookplates can be approached as small works of art and are widely diverse in style and technique. They range from the simple to the sophisticated, from the serious to the humorous. Both individuals and libraries are represented. They are quite often engraved or woodcut, and are sometimes colored, occasionally by hand. A few are mass produced with a place to fill in a name. Size is limited only by the book into which the plate will be placed as a mark of range. The items chosen for inclusion in a plate even when focused by the common theme of medicine are various. Sometimes medical symbols such as the caduceus, stethoscope, or microscope are prominent or medical activities such as delivering a baby or performing surgery are obvious. An eye, a heart, or a bone can give an idea of the specialty. In others a medical connection is less evident and other interests of the physician are conspicuous. Sometimes there is no connection whatsoever, except for the designation of the owner as Dr. or M.D. Our collection frequently has examples of more than one ex libris designed for a particular person. Many explanations are possible for this practice. There is a limit to the number of good copies that can be struck off from a single plate. New plates are needed for a growing collection and extras are often wanted to exchange with others. An owner might want plates designed by different artists. Quite often separate bookplates are desired for different subjects within a library, either personal or institutional. Property of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library's History of Medicine Collections, Durham, NC.

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List of items in this collection

Bookplate for the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons

Picture of a coat of arms with a caduceus in the center. Foliage is shown around the coat of arms. There is also foliage in the top border and a...

Bookplate for the Library of the Birnholz Pharmacy

Portrait of a man beneath a vaulted ceiling. Below is a well and a man stoking a kiln. Drawn by I. Holzer-Weinch.

Bookplate for G. A. Rost, M.D.

Two palm trees, a caduceus, and a sword with a ship in the background. Drawn by K. Kranz.

Bookplate for the Schutzengelapotheke Magister Marco Birnholz

Picture of an angel standing behind a table filled with alchemical apparatus. Drawn by Tenter. Text in Latin and German.

Bookplate for Hull Medical Infirmary

Bookplate with no picture. Text "Medical subscription library - This book may be kept 10 days exclusive of the day taken out - Hull General...

Ex Libris MUDr Horsky

Bookplate: Moth being injected by hypodermic needle while male in silhouette drills into cave wall. At bottom: Acherontia Atropos.

Bookplate for Jean Baetsle

Picture by E. P. of a man reading a book on alchemy, with equipment surrounding him. For Jean Baetsle.

Bookplate for I. Rutter, M.D.

Picture of rocks in a pile, with grass around them and hills in the background. For I. Rutter, M.D.

Bookplate for Dr. Joao de Almeida Lucas

Picture of a monk greeting another person. For Dr. Joao de Almeida Lucas.

Ex Libris Dr. Nicolas Gamaleia [Cyrillic alphabet]

Bookplate: A woman rests her left hand on the trunk of a conifer as she tilts her head back to look straight up into the branches. Her right hand...