Fall 2018 issue of DukeMed Alumni News. DukeMed Alumni News is published twice a year. The magazine publishes remembrances of favorite faculty and stories about graduates’ time at the School of Medicine, as well as alumni who have interesting...
The Department of Anatomy was established in 1930 as part of the original School of Medicine. The name of the department changed to the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy in 1988. Department of Anatomy chairs are as...
Text of a speech given at the presentation of the buildings for the Duke Medical School and Hospital given by George Garland Allen, President of the Trustees of the Duke Endowment. Allen delievered the speech during the dedication exercises for...
Draft of the original admissions requirements for Duke's School of Medicine and correspondence regarding specific requirements and verbiage of the document from Dean Wilburt C. Davison, physics professor Charles William Edwards, and chemistry...
Reprint of speeches given during the dedicatory exercises of the Duke University School of Medicine and Hospital orignally printed in the Southern Medical Journal (Vol XXIV, No. 12). Speeches include: " Presentation of Buildings," by George...
Program for the Dedication of the Duke University School of Medicine and the Duke Hospital. Speakers for the day's events were: George Garland Allen, Colonel John Fletcher Bruton, Wilburt C. Davison, David Linn Edsall, William Preston Few, Thurman...
Transcript of a radio address given over WBTW on April 9, 1929, about the establishment of the Duke University School of Medicine and Hospital. The address is attributed to Wilburt C. Davison, and mentions the planning and asssistance done by...
Speech in acceptance of the Duke Endowment's gift of buildings for Duke's new medical school and hospital. The speech was delivered by Colonel John Fletcher Bruton on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Bruton delivered this speech during dedication...