A young girl is weighed by a nurse (most likely a student nurse). The School of Nursing opened its doors to nursing students on January 2, 1931. The first degrees offered to students were the Diploma in Nursing and the B.S. in Nursing.
Patients and staff in a Duke Hospital Private Diagnostic Clinic waiting area. The PDC was organized on September 15, 1931 to coordinate the diagnostic studies and to give better care for the complicated problems arising in the examination of...
Dr. Walter Kempner, founder of the Rice Diet and Professor of Medicine from 1934 to 1972, is shown eating with two Rice Dieters. Dr. Kempner is seated in the center, with his back to the window. Walter Kempner was born in 1903 in Germany. He...
Pediatrics waiting area filled with seated women and infants. Note the train painted on the left wall (Carl Roger’s face is on the front of the train and W.C. Davison is the engineer).
A hospital staff member checks a patient’s eyes. The Division of Ophthalmology (located under the Department of Surgery) began with only one clinic per week. It grew to daily sessions, held for a time in the old reading room of the Library. W....
Doctors and a nurse prepare a cast on a patient’s arm in the plaster room of the Orthopaedic Clinic. (Left to right) Dr. Warner Wells (A.B., Duke, 1934 and M.D., Duke, 1938; house staff and associate in Surgery from 1938 to 1945), Dr. Laszlo...