Uniformed male and female house staff, interns, or faculty of the Dept. of Pediatrics. (Back row left to right) Charles Houston Gay (A.B., Duke, 1929; M.D. Duke, 1933), Wilburt Cornell Davison (dean of the School of Medicine, 1927-1960), Angus...
Dr. Rebecca Buckley with microscope. Buckley studied pediatric allergy with Dr. Susan Dees in the Division of Pediatric Allergy at Duke, and was the chief of the division of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology from 1974 to 2003. Dr. Buckley was named...
Pediatrics waiting area filled with seated women and infants. Note the train painted on the left wall (Carl Roger’s face is on the front of the train and W.C. Davison is the engineer).
Sherwood with two pediatric patients outside of Duke Hospital. In 1930, when Duke Hospital was opened, Mildred M. Sherwood was put in charge of the Children's Ward. She was an instructor in pediatrics, and a nurse with the Mobile Medical Emergency...
(Left to right) Richard S. Lyman, Adolf Meyer, and Wilburt Cornell Davison. Lyman was professor of neuropsychiatry from 1940 to 1951. Duke Hospital’s Meyer Ward for psychiatric patients was named for Meyer. Davison was the first dean of the School...