William G. Anlyan

Público Deposited

Item Description

  • Dr. Anlyan came to Duke University in 1949, where he completed residency training in general and thoracic surgery at Duke University School of Medicine between 1949 and 1955. In 1955 he passed the examinations of the American board of thoracic Surgery. During that time he also pursued an active research program in his evening and weekend hours. He served a residency in general and thoracic surgery, and then joined the staff in that division under Dr. Deryl Hart, first chairman of surgery at Duke. Later he was a Markle Scholar, serving the equivalent of a Rhodes Scholarship in medical administration. He became a full professor of surgery in 1961, then became only the third dean in the history of the Duke University School of Medicine (1964-1969). Anlyan also served as vice president for health affairs (1969-1983) and chancellor for health affairs (1983-1989).
Date created
  • per00272
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph & Negative Collection
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