J. Deryl Hart with wash basin

Público Deposited

Item Description

  • Hart came to Duke University in 1929 as a member of the original faculty of Duke Hospital. In 1929, Hart initiated the Private Diagnostic Clinic plan with Frederic Moir Hanes. He served as chair of the Private Diagnostic Clinic and later as president of Duke University from 1960 to 1963. The Surgical Instrument Shop, primarily used for the fabrication of specialized surgical and patient care equipment, was created at Duke Hospital at the request of Dr. Hart. Hart himself worked on several patents in the 1920s: a pneumatic bed, a surgical basin and support, an operating room supply table, and an air mattress/pressure bed to relieve patients of bed sores.
Date created
  • per00029
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Photograph & Negative Collection
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