Susan R. Chapin to Wilburt C. Davison


November 5th '50
My dear Dr. Davison,
Billy Francis has sent me a copy of your letter to him telling of your visit to Oxford last Summer - It has given me much pleasure - I so well remember when you were starting forth from No 13 Norham Gardens headed for Durham - & Sir Williams great interest about it - I am delighted to hear of the place for the house being converted into apartments - & that the Regis may now be installed there - It has always hurt a little to feel it was

a Boarding House - even of a superior kind - I wish also to thank you for having the copy of "Thumbnail Sketches" sent to me - I greatly appreciate your "Reminisces" in it - and I also wish to tell how much I enjoyed what you wrote on the occasion of his 100th birthday - At the time I wrote you to say this - but never completed or sent the letter because I felt it was inadequate! Now, may I say that think it was one of the very best - in its appreciation of Sir William & my sister - that appeared at the time? I have watched the growth of Duke University - & I realize how Sir William would rejoiced in your success -
Believe me
very sincerely yours
Susan Chapin

Item Description

  • November 5, 1950 letter from Susan R. Chapin to Wilburt Davison thanking him for a copy of his "Thumbnail Sketch" and "Reminisces" of Sir William and Lady Grace Osler.
Date created
  • osler181-182
Resource type
Archival collection
  • Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1972 (MC.0010)
In Collection:

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