News Release: Funding for Pediatric Associate Program at the University of Colorado - Carnegie Corporation

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  • This news release dated December 15, 1968 states that "two of the nation's larger philanthropic foundations, Carnegie Corporation of new York and the Commonwealth Fund" will fund "an experimental program to prepare a wholly new type of professional practitioner in medicine: a Pediatric Associate." The news release from Terrance Keenan indicates that the new program will be under the direction of Dr. Henry K. Silver the "chief architect of the new curriculum." Graduates will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Colorado. The announcement describes the role of the pediatric associate, the curriculum, and plans for implementation. The program is to begin in the fall of 1969 with a pilot class of 8 to 10 students.
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Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Jay M. Arena Papers
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