Frank Davis Oral History Interview, 2024

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  • This oral history interview with Frank Davis was conducted on February 18, 2024 by Ava Meigs as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, Davis explores the mission and work of the Durham Youth Striders Association (DYSA); Dr. Brenda Armstrong's extensive involvement with the DYSA as a coach, team physician, board member, and fundraiser; notable alumni of the DYSA; and the organization's relationship with Duke. This interview primarily focuses on Armstrong as a pivotal figure in the founding and work of the DYSA. The themes of this interview include community activism, academic and athletic excellence, physical health, and expanding access to health care. Davis was selected to interview in order to highlight Armstrong's involvement with the DSYA as an example of her extensive community involvement and community activism. Armstrong, Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Dean of Admissions for the Duke University School of Medicine, and, among other roles, Vice President of the DSYA, and Davis, Co-Founder of the DSYA, worked together for 37 years.
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