The Duke Plan

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Item Description

  • A manuscript written by Dr. Eugene A. Stead, Jr. in 1969 and submitted to Dr. Thomas Kinney, Director of Medical Education at Duke University, outlining a plan to combine private and public sector funds to provide upper career mobility for socio-economically disadvantaged citizens. The plan addresses the following problems: "How to give public assistance with dignity; how to create useful jobs for that portion of society who can work but who, if paid the minimum wage, cannot return a profit for their employer; how to give home services to rich and poor of all races in times of need so they can live in security outside of nursing homes; how to create for the unskilled - career ladders which have sufficiently small steps to be realistic; and so on. This plan provides insight into Dr. Stead's creative mind and innovative thinking that also contributed to the establishment of the PA profession.
Date created
Librarian Author
Holding entity
Archival collection
  • Division of Allied Health Education Records
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