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- Letters written by Dr. Eugene A. Stead, Jr. in 1967 answering a variety of questions about the physician's assistant concept. The letters are as follows: (1) Stead to Burgen dated January 6, 1967 providing a 2-page description of PA duties and responsibilities under direct physician supervision; (2) Stead to Toole dated April 3, 1967 replying that the PA program at Duke had not considered funding from the regional health program but might be good avenue to explore; (3) Stead to Showalter date April 28, 1967 seeking financial support from the Social Development Corporation, Washington, DC. In this letter, Dr. Stead indicates that the first class began studies in October 1965 and expected to graduate in September 1967; (4) Stead to Malkin dated June 15, 1967 replying to her questions about establishing an advance nursing training program to assume similar role as projected for PAs. Based upon his previous experience with nursing, Dr. Stead believes "these new professionals will be predominantly males" although he hopes that "some nurses will move up the ladder to more responsible places in the health field"; (5) letter dated October 24, 1967 from Mackey of W.B. Saunders Company who read Dr. Stead's article in the NEJM and notes that Dr. Stead seems defensive because of opposition to ideas. He notes however that "most original ideas do (i.e., have opposition)" and encourages Dr. Stead not to "let them deter you from persevering and making this pilot project in working reality"; (6) Stead to Zucker dated December 20, 1967 replying to Zucker's December 8, 1967 letter voicing concern about working relationship between PAs and nurses. Dr. Stead states that "these men work effectively for doctors. They do not work well with nurses, and they have the ability to do much more than the nurses usually does"; and (7) Stead to Merchant dated December 20, 1967 replying to inquiry from the Federation of State Medical Boards about need for qualifying examinations for PAs. Dr. Stead replied that "quality control must rest with the doctor" and worries about putting "too low a ceiling on their services --- to the eventual disadvantage of the doctor and the assistant."