Medical Center Library & Archives Posters and Presentations

The professional staff members of the Medical Center Library & Archives present posters and papers at state, regional, and national conferences. We have posted content from those presentations in order to share our content with other national and international colleagues.

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A Novel Approach to Recruiting and Educating Medical Informationists

Poster presented at 2009 Medical Library Association (MLA)

An Evidence-based, Data-driven Approach to Building Useful E-Book Collections

Poster presented at 2011 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Librarian Housecalls: Going the Distance for our PA Program

Poster presented at 2011 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Open Access Curriculum Study: Can We Improve the Way Medical Students Learn?

Poster presented at 2007 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Where’s the Collection Development in ‘Patron-Driven’?

Poster presented at 2011 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Marketing Open Access to Everyone

Poster presented at 2010 Medical Library Association (MLA)

PubMed Central

Poster presented at 2005 Association of North Carolina Health and Science Libraries (ANCHASL)

Using Data-Driven Approach to Assess Efficacy of Collection Development Decisions

Poster presented at 2009 Medical Library Association (MLA)

Transforming Physicians into Informationists: A Dual-Degree Pathway

Poster presented at 2006 Medical Library Association (MLA)