Medical Student Research Day (formerly known as AΩA day) highlights the scientific contributions of our third year medical students. In August of each year, third year students present results from their research experiences in either a platform or poster presentation.
This collection holds the digital poster presentations of students starting in 2020.
Items in this collection are viewable only via Duke NetID login.
Sub-coleções (5)
Obras (119)
Título | Date Created | |
Exploring malnutrition in head and neck cancer surgery: a novel screening tool for a continuing challenge
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Multiplanar and 3D Imaging Modalities for the Evaluation of Right Ventricle to Left Ventricle Ratios in Patients with Pulmonary Embolism
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Heterotopic Liver Transplant: a Novel Rat Model for Acute Cellular Rejection
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
An Analysis of Social and Clinical Characteristics of Individuals who Acquired a Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI)
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Severe Maternal Morbidity Following Cesarean Hysterectomy for Placenta Accreta Spectrum in the US
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Revisiting the Principles of Cell Culture: A Macromolecular Crowding (MMC) Strategy to Fine-Tune Endothelial Colony-Forming Cell Phenotype for in vitro Tissue Engineered Heart Valve Applications
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Using Natural Language Processing to Assess Goals of Care Conversations for Patients with Cancer
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
“Everyone wants our cotton pickers”: Industrial Therapy, Involuntary Sterilization, and Black Mental Health at the State Hospital at Goldsboro, North Carolina 1880-1960
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Examining the Impact of Race, Sex, and Insurance Status on the Clinical Management of Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis
["August 1-2, 2024"] | |
Integrated Diaphragmatic Function, Chemosensitivity, and Endurance in Exercising Divers
["August 1-2, 2024"] |