The Stewart Album

Compiled by Dr. Howard T. Stewart of New York (presumably after 1865), The Stewart Album is a collection of 206 photographs of German, French, Spanish, Italian, and English physicians and scientists prominent in the mid-nineteenth century. All but six of the photographs are in the emcartes de visite format. The album is part of the Trent Collection. Property of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library's History of Medicine Collections, Durham, NC.

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Alfred Velpeau

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of Alfred Velpeau from page 22 of Stewart's Album.

George Critchett

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of George Critchett from page 36 of Stewart's Album.

J. L. W. Thudichum

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of J. L. W. Thudichum from page 45 of Stewart's Album.

Thomas Blizard Curling

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of Thomas Blizard Curling from page 47 of Stewart's Album.

Robert Bentley Todd

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of Robert Bentley Todd from page 35 of Stewart's Album.

Ernst Julius Gurlt

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of Ernst Julius Gurlt from page 18 of Stewart's Album.

Theodor Billroth

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of Theodor Billroth from page 15 of Stewart's Album.

C. Holthouse

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of C. Holthouse from page 32 of Stewart's Album.

Edmond Becquerel

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of Edmond Becquerel from page 26 of Stewart's Album.

John Braxton Hicks

19th century
Cartes de visite photograph of John Braxton Hicks from page 48 of Stewart's Album.