Historical Images Documenting Duke Health

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1109 Item
Last Updated: 2025-01-08

These images document the history of Duke Health's academic, clinical, and research activities beginning in 1927. All materials included in this collection are available at the Duke University Medical Center Archives. In honor of Duke Health's 75th Anniversary, The Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation, Inc. supported "The Foundations of Excellence," a digitization project that identified over 600 representative historic photographs from our first 3 decades.

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  Título Date Created

School of Nursing students in classroom
Students in uniforms seated at desks.

["circa 1935-1939"]

School of Nursing students in a classroom at desks
Students seated with piles of nursing textbooks.


School of Nursing dietetics program students and instructors
Students in a Duke Hospital kitchen observe as an instructor transfers measured food from a scale to a serving bowl


Nursing students in a teaching laboratory
Nursing students, some uniformed, in a laboratory.

["circa 1940"]

School of Nursing nurses' aide students
Uniformed nurses' aide students in a classroom.


Bell Building
Side view of the Bell Building. The Bell Building was originally constructed in 1947 and underwent renovations in 1958, 1960, 1964 and 1979. The...


African American licensed practical nursing students
Four African American LPN (licensed practical nursing) students and a Duke University Hospital staff member or nursing instructor gathered around a...


Members of Nu Sigma Nu, Beta Beta chapter
Nu Sigma Nu, Beta Beta chapter was a medical fraternity for students of the Duke University School of Medicine. At least five fraternities have...


Physical therapy students, class of 1964, practice therapeutic exercise
Members of the physical therapy class of 1964 practice therapeutic exercise. Left to right, Mary Ellen Steger, Carolyn Scott, and Ruth Hague.


Nursing students reading in the School of Nursing library reading room
Uniformed students and staff in the School of Nursing library reading room in either Hanes House or Baker House. The nursing library was part of...
