Historical Images Documenting Duke Health

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1109 Item
Last Updated: 2025-01-08

These images document the history of Duke Health's academic, clinical, and research activities beginning in 1927. All materials included in this collection are available at the Duke University Medical Center Archives. In honor of Duke Health's 75th Anniversary, The Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation, Inc. supported "The Foundations of Excellence," a digitization project that identified over 600 representative historic photographs from our first 3 decades.

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Nurse giving water to a patient
Nurse or recent nursing graduate gives water to a patient in bed at Duke Hospital. Nurse may be from the graduating class of 1943.


Duke Hospital cashier helping patients in line
Customers wait in line at a Duke Hospital cashier's window. Customers in this line include African Americans.


Nurse with an African-American pediatric patient
A uniformed Duke Hospital nurse gives a bottle to a young African-American girl.


Nellie Hatley, Duke Hospital nurse
Uniformed nurse Nellie Hatley on a Duke Hospital ward.


Nurses helping a pediatric patient tie on a mask
Two Duke Hospital nurses help a young female pediatric patient tie on a face mask.


Nurses in a Duke Hospital ward
Two Duke Hospital ward nurses outside of a patient room.


Wayland E. Hull demonstrating an air flow monitoring machine
Hull (seated) observes a Duke Hospital nurse as she breathes through a tube connected to a machine monitoring air flow. Hull used air flow...


Students in laboratory of Dr. Haywood Taylor
Haywood with three female students in a laboratory. Daisy Ashley (rear left), Haywood Taylor, Beth Ayers (right). Ashley and Ayers graduated with...

["circa 1938-1942"]

School of Nursing students in classroom
Undergraduate School of Nursing students in a classroom with textbooks at their desk.


School of Medicine students with Dean Davison
Students and Wilburt Cornell Davison, first dean of the Duke University School of Medicine, on rounds in Duke Hospital.
