Recent strategic planning initiatives revealed the biomedical research community as being an under-served population and a less-understood user group. A work-group was therefore tasked with gaining a better understanding of this group and exploring...
Three of the Library's primary user groups, the Schools of Nursing (SON), Physician Assistant (PA) and Physical Therapy (PT), require their students to have specific textbooks. The SON, PA and PT library liaisons compared required textbooks to the...
In class, an individual assessment followed by a group assessment and then application activities to practice the concepts. TBL relies on group work and holding students accountable for coming to class prepared and ready to contribute to the...
Biomedical researchers, particularly basic science researchers, make up a large portion of the population the Library serves, yet they are less likely to visit the Library or ask for help. We decided to organize a seminar series as a way to learn more...
Web resource for the Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter (February 2013, Issue 345). All archived website data from this newsletter is hosted and stored by the Internet Archive, which was captured by Archive-It's Brozzler Crawler. The...
Web resource for the Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter (April 2013, Issue 346). All archived website data from this newsletter is hosted and stored by the Internet Archive, which was captured by Archive-It's Brozzler Crawler. The...
Web resource for the Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter (December 2013, Issue 350). All archived website data from this newsletter is hosted and stored by the Internet Archive, which was captured by Archive-It's Brozzler Crawler. The...
Web resource for the Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter (August 2013, Issue 348). All archived website data from this newsletter is hosted and stored by the Internet Archive, which was captured by Archive-It's Brozzler Crawler. The...
Web resource for the Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter (June 2013, Issue 347). All archived website data from this newsletter is hosted and stored by the Internet Archive, which was captured by Archive-It's Brozzler Crawler. The...
Web resource for the Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter (October 2013, Issue 349). All archived website data from this newsletter is hosted and stored by the Internet Archive, which was captured by Archive-It's Brozzler Crawler. The...