Three different figures shown left to right: two serpents twined around a staff, each with the tail of the other in its mouth; picture of a single serpent in an "S"-shaped coil around a "T"-shaped staff; a number of serpents emerging an amorphous...
Picture of a woman with her arms around two children. Three women are shown on the right, one of whom is writing. Plate is surrounded by an ornamental border. Text in Spanish.
A man sowing as he walks across a sunny field followed by a skeleton reaping the grain that has sprung up behind him while dark clouds hover overhead. Text in Swedish.
A copy of William Harvey's De motu cordis open to the title page rests against a skull on a study table. The shelves, chair, and table are filled with books. A quotation by Dr. S. Weir Mitchell appears at the top of the bookplate.
Picture of a hand holding a banner reading "'Knowledge is power' - Bacon." Numbered 55. At top "Medical and scientific library." For G. I. Fisher, A.M., M.D. By C. Ulrich.
Picture of a book and a sheet of music with a skull and a theatrical mask on top, all resting on a box. On the box "Dr. med: J. Kluber." By Hans Probst.
Picture of a winged figure pouring powder into a cauldron. He is holding a snake in his left hand. A raven is sitting to his right. An open book with a pentagram is in the background. A woman holding a wand is on the left. Drawn by Bueno de...
A man sits at a table reading an illuminated volume surrounded by books and chemical apparatus. A coat of arms is in the window above his head. Drawn by E. C. Text: "Medicine for the Soul."
Picture of a man and a woman in medieval dress walking down a street together with other people in the background. At top "Medioevo". Woodcut by Zetti for Gino Sabattini.
Picture of a man on horseback hunting deer. Another man is following a hunting dog on foot. A forest and mountains are shown in the background. Text in Latin.
A group of men in a round frame, with a pen and a caduceus crossed behind them, and a book below. Caption at top "Vita humana est sacra". For Samuel J. Zakon by Slevadi.
Picture of a coat of arms with three rectangles and an angled band, with a helmet over it. At bottom "Nosce me sicut sum". For Dr. Waldemar Bergani DE SA.
Picture of a bust of Hipocrates, with children putting laurels and flowers on it. Books, cats, and a man's head below. Caption at top "Vitam impendere vero". By Alexander Coll for Dr. Enrique Saez.