To synthesize literature about the impact of early PT for acute Low back pain (LBP) on subsequent health services utilization (HSU), compared to delayed PT or usual care
This systematic review examined current literature for relationships between persistent pain and either social isolation, loneliness, or decreased social support among community-dwelling older adults.
To examine the evidence that fatigue affects neuromuscular risk factors for knee injury including electromyographic activity (EMG) of the knee musculature, postural stability, and proprioception.
Investigate the harms and benefits of oral opioids for low back pain compared to placebo and other interventions. To assess the quality of literature regarding opioid use for low back pain.
The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling on primarily knee pain, in addition to other secondary outcomes such as function, disability, strength, & range of motion (ROM).
The objective of this review is to use Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Service Utilization (HSU) as a conceptual framework to identify the predisposing, enabling, and need factors associated with choice of health care provider for back...
Identify barriers affecting the provision and effective use of low-tech MATD such as wheelchairs, walkers, and prosthetics by PwD in LMIC. Discuss current and potential efforts to overcome these barriers to meet the basic human rights of all PwD.
To analyze the efficacy and quality of non-invasive brain stimulation
intervention studies for CPSP in the chronic stroke population (> 6
months post stroke).